The DFWP program is a U.S. accredited management system
certified to ISO 9001:2015.

to deter and monitor alcohol and drug use in the workplace

Some figures related to the consumption of alcohol and drugs in the workplace

Do you know your workers’ reality?

Recurso 1
Recurso 2

1 in 5 workers tests positive for drug use during working hours

Of workplace and commuting accidents are related to drug use (ACHS, 1999).

0 %
Were paid in compensations due to drug-related accidents and diseases in Chile in 2021 (SUCESO, 2021).
Of workers test positive for drug consumption (Global Partners, 2022).
0 %

Different companies require different solutions…

These are the DFWP program’s modules:

A&D use prevention policy design.

A&D use prevention policy design.

Communication, awareness and adherence to the new A&D policy

Communication, awareness and adherence to the new A&D policy

A&D consumption prevention training

A&D consumption prevention training

Worker Assistance Program (WAP)

Worker Assistance Program (WAP)

A&D testing

A&D testing

Final evaluation

Final evaluation

More than 30 companies have implemented our DFWP program

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By this, we refer to the recurrent use of drugs that produce detrimental effects on the user or on his or her environment. Problematic drug use usually leads to abuse, which can be identified via situations such as:

  • Failure to fulfill obligations.
  • Health and physical risks.
  • Legal problems and in antisocial behavior.
  • Social or interpersonal problems.

It is a management system that helps companies to address the problem of drug use and alcohol abuse in the workplace in a comprehensive and effective manner. This is achieved through a versatile methodology that has been tested and validated in the U.S., Europe and Chile.

The Drug Free Workplace certification is a standard that distinguishes companies that have implemented a standardized alcohol and drug prevention and inhibition policy in the workplace. It allows organizations to:

  • Recognize the existence of an A&D policy that seeks to prevent dangerous behavior and promote healthier and safer workplaces for its employees.
  • Facilitate and promote the implemented program’s execution.
  • Recognize that the company’s A&D program meets international standards.
  • Communicate that the company has implemented its drug and alcohol policy in a serious and structured manner. This, in turn, differentiates the organization from its competitors, strengthening its risk management, safety and occupational health aspects, making it safer and more productive.

In order to avoid hazardous situations, your organization must implement a series of guidelines that allow it to anticipate events caused by drug and alcohol abuse. This should be achieved through a standardized policy and complementary procedures, which should be known by all employees.

Prevention programs such as Drug Free Workplace aim to reduce dangerous behavior and mitigate health damages or other problems derived from drug use in the workplace.

7mo estudio

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